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Library 101

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LibKey Nomad

Install LibKey Nomad to:

  • Accelerate your research
  • Avoid paywalls
  • Access millions of articles in one-click

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes research easier. While browsing popular sites, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through Vanguard's library subscriptions. LibKey Nomad works on publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia, and Google Scholar to connect you to scholarly resources. If Vanguard does not have the full text, LibKey Nomad will link you to the library catalog where you can make an InterLibrary Loan request.

LibKey Nomad connects you to resources while preserving your privacy. No personal account is needed, and LibKey Nomad does not track users or store your ID after you close your browser. When you click on a LibKey Nomad link, it will take you to Vanguard's proxy login and then straight on to the full-text article. After you login once, you won't have to login again until you close your browser.

LibKey Nomad will also inform you if the library has a subscription to specific newspapers like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal.


To get started:

  • Go to 
  • Select your browser
  • Download and install
  • Select Vanguard University
  • Go! Check out Wikipedia, PubMed, Sage, and other websites and look for LibKey links.
  • Look for the "Access Options" button on the websites you visit.

Watch the brief video below for more information!

LibKey is a tool that operates in the background of various library databases that helps connect users with Vanguard University's subscriptions to online journals. allows you to look-up any document with a DOI or PubMed ID.