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Nursing: PsycTESTS

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PsycTESTS Database Tips & Tricks

Finding a PsycTESTS instrument/tool and its validation article:

  1. In the PsycTESTS database, select SmartText Searching
  2. Select full-text box
  3. Under "Fee" category, select "No"
  4. Under "Permissions" category, select "May Use for Research/Teaching"
  5. Type in your keywords or phrase (since you are using SmartText searching, the database will make some assumptions on what you mean to find), click on search.
  6. You will now see tests/tools/instruments in your results (they look like article results). If no results, use synonyms for your terms instead.
  7. Clicking on a title that you are interested in, then make sure at the bottom of the record that the "Test File" says "Full" and not "Partial." If it states "Full," click on the PDF link on the left hand side.
  8. From the PDF, scroll through the test (it could be just 4 short question or as long as several pages) and determine if it works for you. If it does, look at the first page and see the citation for the "Source" citation (NOT the first PsycTESTS citation). This is the validating article for the test (the study that used the test/tool/instrument).
  9. Carefully determine the JOURNAL title from the source citation (will be after the period at the end of the ARTICLE title in the citation). 
  10. Copy that JOURNAL title and open a new tab on your browser to the VU library webpage ( and click on the orange Journal Portal button. 
  11. Paste that JOURNAL title in the Journal Portal search box to check if any of our databases have full-text access to it. 
  12. If a database does have access to the year that your citation refers to then you will have access to the article you are looking for. 
  13. Click on the database link shown there to get to the Journal page, then select the year, and finally select the volume/issue. 
  14. You will now see all the articles published in that issue. 
  15. Find the title of the article you are looking for, click on the title, and the full-text will either be shown as html text when scrolling down or as a pdf link on the left side.


Tutorial for more info on PsycTESTS nuances:

Library Tools

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  • Go! Check out Wikipedia, PubMed, Sage, and other websites and look for LibKey links.
  • Look for the "Access Options" button on the websites you visit.

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