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Cornerstone Research Assignment: Annotated References Page in APA Style

Topic: Christians rescuing Jews during the Holocaust;
Keyword possibilities: Holocaust; righteous gentiles, Le Chambon; Trocme; rescuers


Drucker, M. (1988, April). What do we owe the righteous Gentiles? Retrieved from

The author of this website is an ordained rabbi from Santa Fe, New Mexico, who interviewed 21 Gentile rescuers living in Israel. The author’s credentials could not be found, but the fact that she is ordained lends credibility to her essay. This is not a scholarly site, but instead a plea for Jews to not only recognize but also appreciate the rescuers living among them. Her question is an appropriate one: what is owed the rescuers, or is the good deed reward enough in itself? The author says that many of the rescuers told her that religion was not important to them. The author’s tone is reasonable and measured, and she sites an unpublished dissertation at the end of the essay. However, while interesting, this essay does not shed much light on the topic.

Grob, L. (1997). Rescue during the Holocaust–and today. Judaism, 46, 98-107. Retrieved from

Grob’s scholarly article reviews studies that have been done on righteous gentiles. Though it is tempting to try to find one, there is no fixed set of characteristics common to rescuers. Grob is more concerned with how to teach our children “goodness”–the possibility of becoming a rescuer. This should be our goal, but he gives no specifics about how to go about such a task. This is an interesting, but not altogether useful, article.

Gushee, D. P. (1994, October 24). Why they helped the Jews: What we can learn from the religious Gentiles of the Holocaust. Christianity Today, 32 (12). Retrieved from

The author, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has studied why a small number of Christians helped Jews escape the Nazis in World War II. Gushee has found that motivations for rescuers were complex, but those who helped seem to have several characteristics in common: self-esteem, independence, willingness to stand up for beliefs–and a support system that encouraged character traits of mercy, justice, and love. Rescuers were not always motivated by their Christian faith. But Gushee says that rescuers such as those in the French village of La Chambon were partly motivated by the fact that their ancestors, French Huguenots, had lived under similar persecution. This excellent article, while not scholarly, would be a major source in a paper on the subject.

Tec, N. (1986). When light pierced the darkness: Christian rescue of Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland. New York: Oxford.

Tec, a sociologist, studied 754 rescuers and found that neither social nor economic class nor a particular political stance were common characteristics among rescuers. Instead, she states that altruism and individuality were important factors. Rescuers had a commitment to help the helpless and needy. Often the rescue was impulsive and unplanned. Most Poles who were rescuers “did not fit into their milieu.” This would be an another excellent resource for the paper.


This list includes a journal article from an online source, a magazine article, one book, and a web page. The entire list should be double-spaced. Each bibliographic entry should start flush left; each subsequent line of the same entry should be indented five spaces.

According to the newest edition of the APA Manual, you do not need database information for citations from databases such as PsycArticles. Instead, you must have the DOI number (document identifier), which is sometimes given in the database, and sometimes not given. If it is not given, you use the url of the journal or magazine, which you might find using Google.

Cornerstone Research Assignment: Annotated Works Cited Page in MLA Style

Topic: Christians rescuing Jews during the Holocaust; Why did they do it while so many others did nothing?
Keyword possibilities: Holocaust; righteous gentiles, Le Chambon; Trocme; rescuers

Annotated List of Works Cited

Drucker, Malka. “What Do We Owe the Righteous Gentiles?” malkadrucker web.April 1988. 26 Aug. 2005

The author of this website is an ordained rabbi from Santa Fe, New Mexico, who interviewed 21 Gentile rescuers living in Israel. The author’s credentials could not be found, but the fact that she is ordained lends credibility to her essay. This is not a scholarly site, but instead a plea for Jews to not only recognize but also appreciate the rescuers living among them. Her question is an appropriate one: what is owed the rescuers, or is the good deed reward enough in itself? The author says that many of the rescuers told her that religion was not important to them. The author’s tone is reasonable and measured, and she sites an unpublished dissertation at the end of the essay. However, while interesting, this essay does not shed much light on the topic.

Grob, Leonard. “Rescue During the Holocaust–and Today.” Judaism 46.1 (1997). ProQuest Direct. Web. 26 Aug. 2005.

Grob’s lelngthy and scholarly article reviews studies that have been done on righteous gentiles. Though it is tempting to try to find one, there is no fixed set of characteristics common to rescuers. Grob is more concerned with how to teach our children “goodness”–the possibility of becoming a rescuer. This should be our goal, but he gives no specifics about how to go about such a task. This is an interesting, but not altogether useful, article.

Gushee, David P. “Why They Helped the Jews: What We Can Learn from the Religious Gentiles of the Holocaust”. Christianity Today 24 October 1994:32. InfoTrac Expanded Academic. Web. 26 Aug. 2005.

The author, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has studied why a small number of Christians helped Jews escape the Nazis in World War II. Gushee has found that motivations for rescuers were complex, but those who helped seem to have several characteristics in common: self-esteem, independence, willingness to stand up for beliefs–and a support system that encouraged character traits of mercy, justice, and love. Rescuers were not always motivated by their Christian faith. But Gushee says that rescuers such as those in the French village of La Chambon were partly motivated by the fact that their ancestors, French Huguenots, had lived under similar persecution. This is an excellent article from a major writer on Holocaust rescuers.

Tec, Nechama. When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland. New York: Oxford UP, 1986.

Tec, a sociologist, studied 754 rescuers and found that neither social nor economic class nor a particular political stance were common characteristics among rescuers. Instead, she states that altruism and individuality were important factors. Rescuers had a commitment to help the helpless and needy. Often the rescue was impulsive and unplanned. Most Poles who were rescuers “did not fit into their milieu.” This book would be another excellent source for the paper.


This particular page includes a journal article and a magazine article from an online source, one book, and a web page. When typing the page, all citations should be double spaced, and second lines indented five spaces. Any citation from the Internet or from a periodical database (such as ProQuest, Ebsco, etc.) must include the date you accessed the information at the end of the citation.

Updated with the MLA 7th Edition.

Cornerstone Research Assignment: Annotated Works Cited Page in Turabian Style

Topic: Christians rescuing Jews during the Holocaust
Keyword possibilities: Holocaust; righteous gentiles, Le Chambon; Trocme; rescuers

Annotated Bibliography

Drucker, Malka. What Do We Owe the Righteous Gentiles? April 1988. 26 August 2005>

The author of this website is an ordained rabbi from Santa Fe, New Mexico, who interviewed 21 Gentile rescuers living in Israel. The author’s credentials could not be found, but the fact that she is ordained lends credibility to her essay. This is not a scholarly site, but instead a plea for Jews to not only recognize but also appreciate the rescuers living among them. Her question is an appropriate one: what is owed the rescuers, or is the good deed reward enough in itself? The author says that many of the rescuers told her that religion was not important to them. The author’s tone is reasonable and measured, and she sites an unpublished dissertation at the end of the essay. However, while interesting, this essay does not shed much light on the topic.

Grob, Leonard. “Rescue During the Holocaust–and Today.” Judaism 46 (Winter 1997): 98-107. Database on-line. Available fromProQuestDirect. Accessed22September2002.

Grob’s article reviews studies that have been done on righteous gentiles. Though it is tempting to try to find one, there is no fixed set of characteristics common to rescuers. Grob is more concerned with how to teach our children “goodness”–the possibility of becoming a rescuer. This should be our goal, but he gives no specifics about how to go about suchatask.Thisisaninteresting,butnotaltogetheruseful,article.

Gushee, David P. “Why They Helped the Jews: What We Can Learn from the Religious Gentiles of the Holocaust. Christianity Today, 24 October 1994. Database on-line. Available from Expanded Academic ASAP, Accessed 6 August 2005.

The author, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has studied why a small number of Christians helped Jews escape the Nazis in World War II. Gushee has found that motivations for rescuers were complex, but those who helped seem to have several characteristics in common: self-esteem, independence, willingness to stand up for beliefs–and a support system that encouraged character traits of mercy, justice, and love. Rescuers were not always motivated by their Christian faith. But Gushee says that rescuers such as those in the French village of La Chambon were partly motivated by the fact that their ancestors, French Huguenots, had lived under similar persecution. This excellent article, while not scholarly, would be a major source in a paper on the subject.

Tec, Nechama. When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland. New York: Oxford UP, 1986.

Tec, a sociologist, studied 754 rescuers and found that neither social nor economic class nor a particular political stance were common characteristics among rescuers. Instead, she states that altruism and individuality were important factors. Rescuers had a commitment to help the helpless and needy. Often the rescue was impulsive and unplanned. Most Poles who were rescuers “did not fit into their milieu.” This would be another excellent source for the paper.


This particular page includes a journal article and a magazine article from an online source, one book, and a web page. When typing the page, all citations should be double spaced, and second lines indented five spaces.

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