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Course Reserves: Course Reserves for Faculty

Course reserves information for students and faculty

Placing Print Books on Reserve

To place an item on reserve, faculty need to fill out the online form below. (This form is also available in a format that will work on your mobile device; scan the QR code for access.)

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Complete a separate course reserve form for each class.
  • Only library-owned circulating material and professor-owned "desk" copies can be placed on reserve. The library cannot purchase introductory "textbooks" for the collection, unless they are essential for research beyond an introductory instructional level. We can, however, place professor or department owned copies on reserve.
  • If you are placing your own desk copy on reserve:
    • You will need to bring your personal copies to the library circulation desk and let us know the appropriate class.
    • The item will be permanently modified with library stickers, stamps, barcodes, and other security measures.
  • Please allow two business days for reserves to be processed.
  • Articles and other short readings are best placed on reserve in Canvas.

For more information on copyright and fair use as it relates to reserves, see the "Copyright Resources" tab above. Please contact the library staff with any questions

Course Reserve Request Form

Open Access / Open Education Resources

As you consider what texts you may want to put on reserve, please also consider what "open access" resources or "open education resources" you can incorporate into your curriculum! There is a continually growing body of peer-reviewed scholarly and pedagogical resources that are completely free for you and your students to use. Take a look at some of the OA/OER resources linked below, or consult the Open Access library guide.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
OAJI (Open Academic Journals Index)
OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories)
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks)
EBSCO Open Dissertations
Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)
Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR)
AWOL - The Ancient World Online
GlobeTheoLib (Global Digital Library on Theology & Ecumenism) Library
Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL)
MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
OER Commons
Open Textbook Library

Library Tools

Install LibKey Nomad!

  • Go to 
  • Select your browser
  • Download and install
  • Select Vanguard University
  • Go! Check out Wikipedia, PubMed, Sage, and other websites and look for LibKey links.
  • Look for the "Access Options" button on the websites you visit.

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